
JD’s Story: Transforming Alaska’s cold-water diving into a force for marine conservation and community resilience

As part of the Climate Champions’ Ocean Breakthroughs, Edges of Earth spoke with JD Stimson, Operations Manager and Freediving Instructor at Dive Alaska, who is building a resilient ecotourism community by connecting locals and visitors to Alaska’s underwater world while championing marine conservation.


Porfiria’s Story: Redefining shark conservation by turning fishermen into ocean guardians in Baja California Sur

As part of the Ocean Breakthroughs initiative, Edges of Earth spoke with Porfiria Gómez, Director of the ocean conservation nonprofit Orgcas in Baja California Sur, Mexico, who is working with local fishing communities to transition from shark fishing to sustainable tourism, blending traditional knowledge with modern conservation practices to protect marine ecosystems and support coastal livelihoods.


Ruth’s Story: “Instead of thriving marine life, our elders see dead fish washing up on shore. My generation needs to be the reason this comes back”

As part of the Climate Champions’ Ocean Breakthroughs, exploration team Edges of Earth spoke with Naw Rutha, the only female Karen scuba instructor in the Andaman Islands, who is preserving her community’s ocean heritage by training future divers, protecting marine ecosystems, and learning from past generations to combat climate challenges.

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Tara’s story: A 26-year-old’s fight to unite a community to save Belize’s vital marine ecosystems

As part of the Climate Champions’-led Ocean Breakthroughs, the Edges of Earth team spent time in Belize to learn from and spotlight the incredible efforts of local leaders, including Tara Scarborough. Through interviews dives, and deep conversations, Tara shared her commitment to uniting her community to safeguard Belize’s precious marine ecosystems.


COP29 makes progress towards mobilizing increased climate finance

The 29th UN Climate Change Conference (COP29) brought together businesses, private finance and subnational actors from around the world, marking significant progress in the collective effort to combat climate change. COP29 also saw steps forward for climate finance, the operationalization of carbon markets, as well as progress on the Mitigation Work Program and the global goal on adaptation.

Impact Makers: Dr. Allen Hershkowitz

Meet Dr. Allen Hershkowitz, whose work is transforming how sports and culture can contribute to a more sustainable world. As the environmental adviser to the New York Yankees, NBA, and Broadway, Allen is helping iconic institutions engage millions in the climate conversation, setting new standards for environmental action in these influential spaces.

Impact Makers: Rajesh Shah

Meet Rajesh Shah, Managing Trustee of VIKAS Centre for Development, championing community-led climate resilience through the Great Green Wall of Gujarat. Rajesh’s initiative empowers marginalized communities to restore coastal ecosystems while creating sustainable livelihoods.

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Microsoft CSO, Melanie Nakagawa: “Sustainability is a team sport”

Over the last 20-years, my sustainability career has intersected three industries at the centre of climate action: policy, finance, and technology. Much like a team, these sectors work together, each with their unique strengths to drive climate progress at scale. But before I entered the field professionally, I began learning about sustainability and environmental protection […]

Impact Makers: Deepa Lama

Meet Deepa Lama, Co-founder and President of Kalpavaatika Society Nepal, who is championing urban sustainability by transforming kitchen waste into compost and using rooftops for farming in Kathmandu. Her project, “Enhancing Urban Sustainability through Nature-based Solutions,” empowers over 500 community members to address waste management and food security challenges by composting organic waste and cultivating rooftop gardens.

Impact Makers: Nduka Miracle

Meet Nduka Miracle, Co-founder and Director at Kitovu Technology Company, who’s transforming Africa’s agriculture sector through climate-smart solutions for smallholder farmers. Kitovu’s innovations empower farmers to boost productivity, reduce post-harvest losses, and cut emissions – paving the way for resilient, sustainable farming across Africa.

Impact Makers: Zeinaba Narabene

Meet Zeinaba Narabene, President of Réseau des Jeunes Sahéliens pour le Climat au Mali (RJSCLIM), who is leading the Green Schools Project to embed environmental education in schools across Mali. Through her GreenKids initiative, Zeinaba is empowering young students to understand and act on climate issues in their communities.


Midway through COP29, real economy actors hone in on stronger national climate plans and an ambitious finance outcome

Week one of COP29 saw continued climate action and leadership from businesses, investors, cities, states, regions and civil society. As the daily Top of the COP newsletter demonstrates, progress and momentum continues to build across sectors and geographies, with non-State actors calling for high ambition COP outcomes, including a fair climate finance deal and strong […]