Race to Zero ‘Partners’ are the pillars under the campaign. They are the funnels through which individual members can join the Race.
Partners are independent initiatives, subject to their own governance structures and decision making process. Partners are responsible for managing their members to their own internal processes, as well as in implementing the Race to Zero criteria. The Race to Zero Campaign Team works closely with Partners to support them in managing members to align with Race to Zero’s criteria.
Partners join the Race to Zero campaign out of a shared commitment to driving high ambition non-state actor leadership, to halve emissions by 2030. Our Partners span actor types, sectors and regions – below is a detailed description of each Partner; how they support members; how they track progress; and how to join.
“The Race to Zero helps us to make emissions reductions plans real for our members. Through the network we have access to a wealth of knowledge and are able to give our members advice and guidance tailored to their needs.” – Under2 Coalition
“Race to Zero provides that assurance that we’re acting collectively, building a movement across global capital markets that will address climate at the speed and depth necessary to meet the scientific imperative of climate action.” – NZAM, The Rev. Kirsten Snow Spalding, Ceres
“Race to Zero provides the focus for climate action in all organisations and helps us take faster action together.” – David Symons, Pledge To Net Zero
Business Declares
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Business Declares is a not-for-profit organisation formed by senior leaders with a vast range of experience from the SME, B Corp and FTSE100 sectors. It believes that business has a major part to play in tackling the climate, ecological and social emergency and exist to raise awareness across the business sector of the imperative to accelerate action to address climate change, biodiversity loss and social injustice.
Business Declares
Business Declares is a network of over 100 business members, mostly based in the UK but spanning four continents, who inspire, support and connect businesses to accelerate collective, meaningful action on the climate, ecological and social emergency. As the name suggests, members publicly declare an Emergency and “recognise the complexity of making an authentic climate transition”, the majority committing to reach net zero by 2030. Some of their members include Triodos Bank UK, Pukka Herbs, COOK, Bates Wells and more recently, the Financial Times and Cafedirect.
Business Declares signposts tools for members, shares case studies, connects members to collaborate, and runs a series of thought-provoking events. Business Declares galvanises the business voice to be bolder in speaking out about the crisis, push boundaries and call for regulatory change. Business Declares has been tracking their member progress through a survey, of which they had over 90% response rate and found that over half of their members have completed or are in the process of measuring their emissions, with members also committing to their new commitment on biodiversity.
As of November 2022, Business Declares has 102 members in the Race to Zero.
To join Business Declares, contact: info@businessdeclares.com
SME Climate Hub
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In collaboration with Normative and the Net Zero team at Oxford University, the SME Climate Hub provides tools and resources to enable SMEs to make a climate commitment, take action, and measure their progress towards emissions reductions.
SME Climate Hub
The SME Climate Hub is an initiative of the We Mean Business Coalition, the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, and the United Nations Race to Zero campaign. In collaboration with Normative and the Net Zero team at Oxford University, the SME Climate Hub provides tools and resources to enable SMEs to make a climate commitment, take action, and measure their progress towards emissions reductions. The SME Climate Commitment is the official pathway for small and medium sized businesses to join the United Nations global Race to Zero campaign. Thousands of businesses across 110+ countries have already made the commitment. Find out more at: www.smeclimatehub.org
Businesses with under 500 employees can make the SME Climate Commitment and start taking action today.
For more information about the SME Climate Hub and its work or to become a SME Climate Hub advocate in your state, please contact: info@smeclimatehub.org
Exponential Roadmap Initiative
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The Exponential Roadmap Initiative is a collaborative climate initiative uniting companies that are innovators, disruptors and transformers to drive exponential action in line with 1.5°C, to halve emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.
Exponential Roadmap Initiative
The Exponential Roadmap Initiative (ERI) is a collaborative climate initiative uniting companies that are innovators, disruptors and transformers to drive exponential action in line with 1.5°C, to halve emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.
ERI works with its members, leading companies, to take radical climate action across four pillars outlined in the Exponential Business Playbook: 1) reducing own emissions; 2) reducing value chain emissions; 3) providing and scaling climate solutions; and 4) accelerating action in society. To support these efforts, ERI publishes reports and resources, guiding businesses in their climate transitions.
All member companies undergo a comprehensive Climate Performance Review upon joining, carried out by an expert review group. These reviews, repeated every two years, identify opportunities for improvement and ensure continuous progress. ERI also develops tools to identify climate solutions that replace high-emission activities with low- or zero-emission alternatives, supporting sector-wide decarbonization.
To join the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, contact: hello@exponentialroadmap.org
Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
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The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a global body enabling businesses to set ambitious emissions reductions targets in line with the latest climate science. It currently covers a third of global market capitalization, and is focused on accelerating companies across the world to halve emissions before 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions before 2050.
Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a global body enabling businesses to set ambitious emissions reductions targets in line with the latest climate science. It currently covers a third of global market capitalization, and is focused on accelerating companies across the world to halve emissions before 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions before 2050.
The initiative is a collaboration between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and one of the We Mean Business Coalition commitments.
The SBTi defines and promotes best practice in science-based target setting, offers resources and guidance to reduce barriers to adoption, and independently assesses and approves companies’ targets. Transparency and accountability are core to SBTi’s work. Their Progress Framework will advance work on measurement, reporting and verification of science based targets. Their new Compliance Policy, which will come into effect 31 January 2023, is another important development to SBTi governance and operations for 2022.
As of November 2022, SBTi has 1682 members in the Race to Zero.
To join SBTi contact, please view their website.
Planet Mark
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Planet Mark is a sustainability certification for every type of organisation, for real estate and for products. The certification recognises continuous improvement, encourages action and builds an empowered community of like-minded individuals who make a world of difference.
Planet Mark
Planet Mark is an internationally recognised sustainability certification acknowledging continuous progress, encouraging action, and building an empowered community of like-minded individuals. It’s awarded to businesses, properties and developments that are committed to reducing their carbon emissions year on year.
Planet Mark’s Business Certification and Net Zero Programme recognises continuous improvement and good governance, supporting organisations to strengthen their ESG strategy, contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and set credible net zero carbon targets.
As of November 2022, Planet Mark has 49 members in the Race to Zero.
To join Planet Mark, contact: info@planetmark.com
Pledge to Net Zero
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Pledge to Net Zero is the environmental sector’s programme to halve its own carbon emissions by 2030. The pledge recognises the need for those in the environmental sector to demonstrate leadership and take strong actions to mitigate the most significant impacts of climate change.
Pledge to Net Zero
Pledge to Net Zero is the environmental sector’s programme to halve its own carbon emissions by 2030. The pledge recognises the need for those in the environmental sector to demonstrate leadership and take strong actions to mitigate the most significant impacts of climate change. With 165 members today, Pledge to Net Zero focuses on providing practical guidance and advice to members – many of which are small businesses.
Pledge to Net Zero provides a range of resources on their guidance page for the sector as well as case studies. Organisations that join the Race to Zero via Pledge to Net Zero need to meet some additional commitments, as outlined on our website.
To join Pledge to Net Zero please see our website – www.pledgetonetzero.org
Net Zero Banking Alliance
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The industry-led, UN-convened Net-Zero Banking Alliance brings together over 50 banks representing almost a quarter of global banking assets, which are committed to aligning their lending and investment portfolios with net-zero emissions by 2050.
Net Zero Banking Alliance
The industry-led, UN-convened Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) brings together a global group of banks, currently representing about 40% of global banking assets, which are committed to aligning their lending and investment portfolios with net-zero emissions by 2050. NZBA recognises the vital role of banks in supporting the global transition of the real economy to net-zero emissions.
The Alliance reinforces, accelerates and supports the implementation of decarbonisation strategies, providing an internationally coherent framework and guidelines in which to operate, supported by peer-learning from pioneering banks. On 9 November, NZBA is releasing a Progress Report, to showcase progress among signatory banks. This is the first progress report the Alliance has released, and will present an aggregated assessment of intermediate targets from 48% of our membership.
As of November 2022, NZBA has 120 members in the Race to Zero.
To join NZBA, please visit their website.
Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance
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Founded in September 2019 at the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit by Allianz, Caisse des Dépôts, La Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ), Folksam Group, PensionDanmark, and SwissRe, the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance is convened by UNEP’s Finance Initiative and the Principles for Responsible Investment.
Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance
The UN-convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) is a member-led initiative of institutional investors committed to transitioning their investment portfolios to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 – consistent with a maximum temperature rise of 1.5°C. The Alliance members were the first in the finance industry to set intermediate targets: 44 members (accounting for US$ 7.1 trillion) have set credible 2025 and 2030 decarbonisation targets.
The methodology for target-setting is outlined in the Target Setting Protocol (TSP2) and is consistent with the IPCC’s no- or limited-overshoot pathways. NZAOA members are expected to update their intermediate targets every five years and to report on their progress annually both internally (to the Alliance) and publicly. All members’ targets are evaluated anonymously by a peer review group. Those members whose targets do not fully comply with the Target Setting Protocol are categorised according to the traffic light system as outlined in the Accountability Mechanism.
As of November 2022, NZAOA has 78 members in the Race to Zero.
To join NZAOA, contact: Elke Pfeiffer
Net Zero Investment Consultants
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Net Zero Investment Consultants (NZIC) is a commitment from some of the world’s most prominent investment consultants to align their advisory services with the 1.5 degree emissions trajectory outlined in the Paris Agreement. By embedding net‐zero considerations into advisory work, this group can catalyse faster progress by the investment industry on climate goals. We are […]
Net Zero Investment Consultants
Net Zero Investment Consultants (NZIC) is a commitment from some of the world’s most prominent investment consultants to align their advisory services with the 1.5 degree emissions trajectory outlined in the Paris Agreement. By embedding net‐zero considerations into advisory work, this group can catalyse faster progress by the investment industry on climate goals.
We are committed to supporting our clients to 1) Make their contribution global net zero greenhouse emissions by 2050 and 2) Prioritise real economy emissions reductions, reflecting the interim target of 50% reduction by 2030 or sooner. In 2022 the NZICI has developed a robust reporting framework following which, is proud to have been endorsed as a full Partner in Race to Zero.
To find out more please see their website here.
Paris Aligned Asset Owners (PAAO)
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Paris Aligned Asset Owners (PAAO) is a global group of asset owners, mainly pension funds, committed to aligning their portfolios with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Paris Aligned Asset Owners (PAAO)
Paris Aligned Asset Owners (PAAO) is a global group of asset owners, mainly pension funds, committed to aligning their portfolios with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Signatories aim to deliver against a 10-point net zero commitment statement in a way that is consistent with their fiduciary duties. This includes transitioning investments to net zero portfolio emissions by 2050 or sooner and to draw on the Net Zero Investment Framework to achieve this, The group launched with 22 asset owners in March 2021, representing more than $1 trillion in assets, and today stands at 57 with more than $3.3 trillion in assets.
The investor networks (AIGCC, Ceres, IGCC and IIGCC) host a range of investor-led working groups to expand the Net Zero Investment Framework and offer ‘real-time’ implementation support. In 2023, the investor networks will further increase implementation support and regularly bring signatories together to collaborate on live implementation challenges and share innovations in net zero strategies. Asset owners are brought together via net zero “surgeries”, bootcamps, masterclasses and networks provide one-to-one support.
The initiative is establishing a process for Paris Aligned Asset Owners to report against progress annually, in line with TCFD and other reporting requirements.
Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative
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The Net Zero Asset Managers initiative is an international group of asset managers committed to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius; and to supporting investing aligned with net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner.
Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative
Currently representing almost 300 signatories with more than USD 68 trillion in assets under management, the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative is an international group of asset managers committed to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius; and to supporting investing aligned with net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner.
NZAM is currently gathering new signatories, receiving robust interim targets from current signatories and supporting annual reporting of progress on the ten point commitment statement with TCFD disclosures and robust Investor Climate Action Plans (ICAPs).
Questions for NZAM can be directed to info@netzeroassetmanagers.org or to the network partner organizations (AIGCC, Ceres, CDP, IGCC, IIGCC, PRI) using the contact list here.
Venture Climate Alliance (VCA)
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The Venture Climate Alliance (VCA) is made up of a growing group of leading VCs committed to achieving a rapid, global transition to net zero or negative greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or earlier.
Venture Climate Alliance (VCA)
The Venture Climate Alliance (VCA) is made up of a growing group of leading VCs committed to achieving a rapid, global transition to net zero or negative greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or earlier. Members will work to achieve net zero emissions for our operations by 2030 or sooner, and will encourage our portfolio companies to set their own net zero targets.
The Exchange Group
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The Exchange Group is part of the Net Zero Financial Service Providers Alliance (NZFSPA or “Alliance”), dedicated to driving sustainable finance and accelerating the transition to a net zero economy.
The Exchange Group
The Exchange Group is part of the Net Zero Financial Service Providers Alliance (NZFSPA or “Alliance”), dedicated to driving sustainable finance and accelerating the transition to a net zero economy. With a strong commitment to combating climate change, the Exchange Group provides market infrastructure operators with frameworks, and tools to align their operations with global climate goals.
NZFSPA brings together investment advisors, rating agencies, auditors, exchanges, index providers, ESG research and data providers, and proxy research providers, who have signed an 8-point commitment statement to work towards setting targets for the transformation of relevant services and products to support the transition to a net zero global economy.
Net-Zero Export Credit Agencies Alliance
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The UN-convened Net-Zero Export Credit Agencies Alliance (NZECA) unites leading public finance institutions (export credit agencies and export-import banks) committed to delivering net-zero economies by 2050 by supporting the decarbonisation of trade and facilitating joint action from public and private Finance. Launched at COP28 with the support of the University of Oxford, Future of Climate […]
Net-Zero Export Credit Agencies Alliance
The UN-convened Net-Zero Export Credit Agencies Alliance (NZECA) unites leading public finance institutions (export credit agencies and export-import banks) committed to delivering net-zero economies by 2050 by supporting the decarbonisation of trade and facilitating joint action from public and private Finance.
Launched at COP28 with the support of the University of Oxford, Future of Climate Cooperation and UNEP FI, NZECA is the first-of-its-kind net-zero finance alliance consisting of public finance institutions.
NZECA full members have committed to transition all operational and attributable greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from business activities in alignment with the path to net zero by mid-century, or sooner, consistent with a maximum temperature rise of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by 2100. They have also committed to end state support to the unabated fossil fuel energy sector not later than the end of 2024.
The Alliance includes a number of affiliate members that wish to commit to the goal of reaching net zero but require some support as they start their journey. They pledge to support the goal of attaining net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and advancing a just transition. Peer knowledge sharing with leading export credit agencies will help them accelerate their transition to net Zero.
To learn more or join NZECA, please visit its webpage.
Cities Race to Zero
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Cities Race to Zero supports cities who sign onto the campaign by pledging to net-zero in the 2040s or sooner, or by mid-century at the latest, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5C.
Cities Race to Zero
Cities Race to Zero is a track of Race to Zero for cities only, where cities are uniting to demonstrate inclusive and resilient climate action in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Cities Race to Zero’s global city partners are C40, ICLEI, the Global Covenant of Mayors, CDP, UCLG, WRI and WWF.
Cities Race to Zero supports cities who sign onto the campaign by pledging to net-zero in the 2040s or sooner, or by mid-century at the latest, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5C. Cities must set an interim target to achieve within the next decade which reflects a fair share of the 50% global reduction in CO2 by 2030.
Cities Race to Zero also ensures consistency with reporting metrics annually, cities should report to their usual or recommended reporting platform(CDP-ICLEI Track, MyCovenant or PCP BARC-Canada).
Cities Race to Zero has recruited over 1,000 cities to the Race to Zero.
To join Cities Race to Zero, please visit our website here.
Under 2 Coalition
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The Under2 Coalition is a global community of state and regional governments committed to ambitious climate action in line with the Paris Agreement. It brings together over 220 governments representing more than 1.3 billion people and 43% of the global economy.
Under 2 Coalition
The Under2 Coalition is the largest global network of states, regions, provinces and other subnational governments committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest. By working on ambition, implementation, regionalisation and accountability, Under2 Coalition states and regions have on average reduced their emissions by 16% from their respective base years. This happened at the same time as global emissions rising by approximately 42% (1990-2015). The Coalition has been named one of the international partnerships with the highest potential for emissions reduction – 3.3-3.9GtCO2e/year in 2030 – more than the current annual emissions of the EU (Global Climate Action from Cities, Regions and Businesses Report, 2021).
The Under2 Coalition works with governments to accelerate climate action through four workstreams:
- Pathways – providing technical support and resources to assist governments to develop long-term emissions reductions plans.
- Policy action – sharing policy innovation and success to accelerate the transition to a net zero economy.
- Transparency – increasing accountability by encouraging state and regional governments to disclose their climate targets, action and progress.
- Diplomacy – amplifying the voices of state and regional governments to drive climate ambition and deliver tangible action.
The Under2 Coalition Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is an ambitious climate agreement for subnational governments. It fortifies the commitment to become a ‘net zero coalition’ by 2050 – with net zero emissions targets as a baseline for membership. To hold members to account, and provide supporting evidence of these commitments, the coalition created the Under2 Ambition Tracker. Members are required to submit their data and supporting evidence to the tracker, outlining the details of their targets and plans for reaching net zero.
As of November, the Under2 Coalition has 53 members in Race to Zero.
To join the Under2 Coalition, please contact: Nehmat Kaur, Head of Global Government Relations
Climate Action Accelerator
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The Climate Action Accelerator works to help shift the aid, health and higher education sectors towards a radical transformation of their practices, pursuing emissions reduction targets (-50% by 2030) and a ‘net zero’ trajectory, in line with the Paris Agreement.
Climate Action Accelerator
The Climate Action Accelerator, the first Race to Zero Partner in the aid sector, is a non-profit organisation working to help shift the aid, health and higher education sectors towards a radical transformation of their practices, pursuing emissions reduction targets (-50% by 2030) and a net zero trajectory, in line with the Paris Agreement. Since their launch in December 2020, the Climate Action Accelerator has worked with international humanitarian aid organisations to calculate their carbon footprints, modelise carbon reduction trajectories and co-develop decarbonisation roadmaps. In its ambition to build a global community to amplify climate action, the accelerator also shares climate solutions in open-source and helps organisations influence their ecosystems and become champions of change.
The Climate Action Accelerator supports its members through long-term partnerships, equipping them with roadmaps, technical tools and resources, which are made available as a common good on its online platform. Member progress is tracked through continuous monitoring of carbon emissions and regular reviews of roadmaps that are updated accordingly.
As of November 2022, 15 organisations are a part of the Race to Zero through their partnership with the Climate Action Accelerator. To find out more and inquire about joining the accelerator, contact: zaninka.ntagungira@climateactionaccelerator.org
Sports for Climate Action
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Sports for Climate Action is convened by the UNFCCC and works toward achieving a clear trajectory for the global sports community to combat climate change, through commitments and partnerships according to standards aligned with Race to Zero criteria. Sports for Climate Action uses sports as a unifying tool to federate and create solidarity among global […]
Sports for Climate Action
Sports for Climate Action is convened by the UNFCCC and works toward achieving a clear trajectory for the global sports community to combat climate change, through commitments and partnerships according to standards aligned with Race to Zero criteria. Sports for Climate Action uses sports as a unifying tool to federate and create solidarity among global citizens for climate action.
Sports for Climate Action supports members by providing guidance, offering spaces to share experience and discuss specific approaches. It also offers webinars and workshops on both mitigation and adaptation.
They track member progress through a mandatory reporting framework that has been established internally.
Ahead of COP27, Sports for Climate Action has 67 members in the Race to Zero.
To join Sports for Climate Action, contact: ClimateDialogues@unfccc.int
Scotch Whisky Association (SWA)
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The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) has become Scotland’s first trade association, and the UK’s first food and drink trade association, to be recognised as a Race to Zero partner in the lead up to COP26.
Scotch Whisky Association (SWA)
The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) was Scotland’s first trade association, and the UK’s first food and drink trade association, to be recognised as a Race to Zero Partner. The partnership recognizes the Scotch Whisky industry’s commitment to robust net zero criteria in line with globally halving emissions by 2030.
The Scotch Whisky Association tracks member progress against its Scotch Whisky Industry Sustainability Strategy. The Strategy commits the sector to reaching net zero in its operations by 2040, five years ahead of the Scottish Government’s target and 10 years ahead of the UK Government’s target. It also includes ambitious targets to drive down the industry’s environmental impact in key areas including water use, packaging and responsible land use.
As of November 2022, there are 11 Scotch Whisky companies in the Race to Zero.
Scotch Whisky companies can join Race to Zero through their website.
International Wineries for Climate Action (IWCA)
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International Wineries for Climate Action (IWCA) is a collaborative working group of environmentally committed wineries focused on a science-based approach to reducing carbon emissions across the wine industry. Each member within IWCA takes responsibility to hold ourselves and each other accountable to build a cleaner, more resilient wine community for future generations.
International Wineries for Climate Action (IWCA)
International Wineries for Climate Action (IWCA) is a non-profit collaborative working group of environmentally committed wineries taking a science-based approach to reducing carbon emissions across the wine industry. Their goal is to share best practices that mitigate climate change impacts in vineyard and winery operations so that we can act collectively to decarbonize the global wine industry—applying direct solutions that avoid purchasing carbon offset credits.
IWCA creates a collaborative community of like-minded businesses that encourages the knowledge sharing and exchange of best practices for mitigating climate impacts in vineyard and winery operations. IWCA carefully tracks GHG emissions of its members and publishes them every year on the IWCA Annual Report as a proof of commitment and transparency.
Ahead of COP27, IWCA has 14 members.
The more wineries that participate in IWCA, the louder their voice will be to raise awareness on climate change and to urge immediate, global action. To join, fill out this contact form.
“Being a Partner of the Race to Zero is a point of difference for us in making wine synonymous with climate action. IWCA has loved being involved because it has opened our eyes to a world of sectors and actors, all striving to halve emissions by 2030” – ICWA.
Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action
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Under the auspices of UN Climate Change, fashion stakeholders worked during 2018 to identify ways in which the broader textile, clothing and fashion industry can move towards an holistic commitment to climate action.
Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action
The Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action is convened by the UNFCCC, and brings together 111 companies and 43 industry associations, NGOs and standard setting organisations to work on decarbonisation pathway for the sector.
The Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action requires companies to either set SBT aligned with 1.5 degrees or adopt 50% by 2030 and net zero by 2050. Member progress is tracked via CDP. Companies are requested to follow Race to Zero criteria which are included in the Charter commitments, and technical working groups support action pathways across the supply chain.
As of November 2022, the Charter has 111 members in the Race to Zero.
To join the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, contact: ClimateDialogues@unfccc.int
Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges
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Established in 2019, and joining as a Race to Zero Partner in June 2000, they have gained 1,115 signatories across the world from 77 countries who have committed to be net-zero by 2050 at the very latest. This represents nearly 11 million students globally.
Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges
Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges is a partnership initiative between EAUC – the Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education and UNEP, with EAUC acting as secretariat. Established in 2019, and joining as a Race to Zero Partner in June 2000, they have gained 1,115 signatories across the world from 77 countries who have committed to be net-zero by 2050 at the very latest. This represents nearly 11 million students globally.
Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges advocates for young minds to be equipped with the knowledge, skills and capability to respond to the ever-growing challenges of climate change. They also support universities and colleges by providing tools, resources and case studies.
Below is a message from Nigel Topping, previous UK High Level Climate Champion for COP26 and Gonzalo Munoz, previous Chilean High Level Climate Champion for COP25 on why universities and colleges need to take action now.
Ahead of COP27, Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges has over 1,000 members.
To join Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges, refer to their website.
Healthcare Without Harm
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Health Care Without Harm works to transform health care worldwide so that it reduces its environmental footprint, becomes a community anchor for sustainability and a leader in the global movement for environmental health and justice.
Healthcare Without Harm
Health Care Without Harm works to transform health care worldwide so that it reduces its environmental footprint, becomes a community anchor for sustainability and a leader in the global movement for environmental health and justice.
Through its Health Care Climate Challenge initiative and Global Green and Healthy Hospitals network, Health Care Without provides health care institutions with a suite of tools and resources to support them in measuring their carbon footprint and implementing strategies and programs to achieve net zero. With members spread across 79 countries, Health Care Without Harm creates a global community focused on collaboration and learning to accelerate the transformation of the health care sector.
64 health care institutions, ranging from provincial health departments to private health systems to public hospitals, representing the interests of over 14,000 hospitals and health centres in 22 countries have joined Race to Zero through Health Care Without Harm.
To join Race to Zero through Health Care Without Harm, visit: https://healthcareclimateaction.org/racetozero or contact globalnetwork@hcwh.org
Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)
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JCI is a network committed to strengthening communication and exchange of strategies and solutions among all actors that are implementing climate actions in Japan.
Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)
The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) is a multi sectoral coalition of Japanese non-state actors with over 720 signatories including companies, investors, municipalities, research institutions and civil society organisations that make efforts to realise the decarbonized society envisioned by the Paris Agreement. The JCI Race To Zero Circle is an inner circle of signatories that join Race To Zero and take the lead in achieving net-zero goals along the 1.5C pathways.
To support the circle members, JCI holds seminars on global/domestic net-zero trends and policies, creates opportunities for them to share their own efforts on the website and in events, and issues joint statements to call for more ambitious climate policies. JCI tracks progress of the members through annual reporting, and is working on updating its entry criteria.
As of November 2022, JCI has 31 members who are part of Race to Zero.
To join JCI, have a look at their website.
Tech Zero
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Tech Zero is a taskforce of over 340 tech companies of all sizes around the world committed to climate action. Their mission is to decarbonise the tech sector as fast as possible, which currently accounts for almost 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Tech Zero
Tech Zero is a taskforce of over 340 tech companies of all sizes around the world committed to climate action. Their mission is to decarbonise the tech sector as fast as possible, which currently accounts for almost 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Tech Zero exists so no tech business feels they have to tackle net zero on their own. Tech Zero supports members by educating, enabling, and empowering their community to reach net zero. Tech Zero is currently reviewing its joining process, to ensure that members are consistently fulfilling the Tech Zero commitments, in line with Race to Zero’s 5Ps.
As of November 2022, Tech Zero has 329 members who are part of Race to Zero, including Revolut, Monzo, Starling Bank, Citymapper, Wise, Babylon, Allplants, Depop, Wolf & Badger, and Watershed.
To find out more, or to join Tech Zero, visit: https://techzero.technation.io or contact techzero@technation.io
National Parks
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The 15 UK National Parks are comprised of diverse protected landscapes across England, Scotland and Wales. The National Parks have joined Race to Zero, and are driving action to lead a just transition to net zero – cutting emissions, scaling up nature-based carbon sequestration and protecting precious natural carbon stores whilst strengthening food security and […]
National Parks
The 15 UK National Parks are comprised of diverse protected landscapes across England, Scotland and Wales. The National Parks have joined Race to Zero, and are driving action to lead a just transition to net zero – cutting emissions, scaling up nature-based carbon sequestration and protecting precious natural carbon stores whilst strengthening food security and rural economies for this and future generations.