Which companies have joined the Race to Zero?
What progress is the sector making in the Race to Zero
As of September 2022, one third of the main cement/concrete companies globally have joined the Race to Zero.
The global cement sector accounts for around 7% of global CO2 emissions. The industry has made progress during the last 2 decades to lower carbon intensity – but there is a recognition that these efforts need to be significantly accelerated. The global cement industry has committed to an ambitious, zero emission trajectory aligned to 1.5oC. To achieve it, critical action is needed in this decade.
Overall it is expected that the demand for cement will continue to rise: The world’s building stock and infrastructure will grow exponentially – 75% of the world’s needs for 2050 is yet to be built. Under business as usual, emissions may increase by 40 % by 2050.
In order to ensure transparent tracking of emissions, independent of the amount of cement produced, a relative target is being measured.
As a breakthrough , by 2030, we must reduce the carbon intensity globally per ton of cement produced to 463 kg; this is the equivalent to a reduction by 25% compared to 2020.